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After retiring from full-time language teaching and tutoring at the beginning of the 2000s, I was able to devote my time to writing and developing my creative skills. I joined a writers group, ‘Bondi Writers’, and rose to become the convenor of their meetings at the Waverley Library in 2010. By then I was also interested in the slowly evolving internet and I started a writing blog that has gone through various incarnations until this current one.


I have been researching and practising the skills of creative writing since I retired from academic teaching and writing in 2000. Since then I have been learning about short story and novel structure, poetic forms and how to get published. And practising, practising, practising!


One of the most exciting discoveries on my writing journey was that I could publish an e-book, Writing a Novel: The Big Picture from my blog posts.

I then taught myself the mammoth task of self-publishing my debut novel, Karrana, and uploading it to Amazon.


All of this was thanks to my ongoing research into the aspects of creative and the help and input from other writers in groups such as ‘Randwick Writers’ and now ‘Waverley Writers@the Library’. See Waverley Writers Blog that I manage.


In one of these groups I was able to collaborate with others to publish a book Sharing Writing Skills with a small publisher, ‘Ginninderra Press’.


You, too, can have success if you put in the time to read about and practise the skills of writing. By following me and my learning arc here on this blog and learning how to edit your own work, you can become a master of creativity and continue to improve and enjoy the journey.



An Invitation


by Anne Skyvington Author

Please leave a comment in the section below any one of the posts that interests you, and, if you would like to have your work published on this site, send me a document in Microsoft Word for potential publishing, after I have looked at it for formatting. I’m seeking personal stories that tear us up or teach us something new or valuable, of between 500-1500 words to go with professional-looking photos or images (e.g. from Pexel or Pixabay, to be chosen by me or by you as the author). Give it a go and see how your work looks when published professionally. I’d love to see what you are writing!


See my email address below
