Let’s face it: Writing is often a solitary business but one that is worth every drop of blood that you shed as you lock yourself away in a room. For that reason, we all need strategies to help us stay with the creative task and manage to remain calm and strong as we work. One of the best skills that I have learnt over the years is to meditate.

I joined a meditation course with a Tibetan Buddhist group in Bondi Junction two decades ago. As well as the beautiful hymns we practised, being guided  to go deep into a relaxed state during group settings has benefited me ever since. Now I can choose to use these skills to calm my mind wherever I go whenever I can. One of my favourite places for meditating is in a bushland setting like the one above in the feature photo. This is at my daughter’s place in the Southern Shire suburb of Yarrawarrah. It’s quiet and there are birds and trees and a stillness all around that you cannot find in the city.


Here is a simple 10-20 minute meditation you can practise every day to improve mindfulness and to relax in preparation for the task of writing.

* Find a quiet space where you can be comfortable. Sit or lie down and become aware of your breathing. Notice the inhalation as you breathe in air through your nose and the exhalation as you breathe out.

* You might like to use a mantra, such as ‘So-Hum’, pronounced ‘So-hoom’, the inhalation coupling with ‘So’ and the exhalation with ‘Hum’.

* Let your breath establish a quiet rhythm, without forcing it. If your mind wanders, bring it gently back to your breath. Buddhists say that thoughts are like clouds passing in a clear sky during meditation.

* Once you are feeling more relaxed, you might choose to mentally scan your body, starting from your feet and moving slowly upwards. Notice any tightness or other sensation without judgment.

*To end the meditation, simply open your eyes and bring your awareness to how you are feeling.


* Practise regularly. Even 5-10 minutes of daily practice can make a significant difference.

* As as writer, you may like to write about your experience and build on it. You can incorporate different mantras, visualisations, or use guided meditation recordings.
