by Anne Skyvington | Feb 19, 2022 | Craft of Writing
My writing started out as therapy for a polarised — to be explained later on — childhood. My own background had been stamped indelibly by my not having had a voice within the extended family I was born into. Others in my family had gorged themselves on yackety-yak,...
by Anne Skyvington | Feb 11, 2022 | Books & Movies, Craft of Writing
From Amazon’s Online Book Club I’d received lots of reviews from family and friends of my debut novel, Karrana. But I never quite believed the veracity of these reviews, being from close contacts. So I submitted the book before the eyes of a reviewer on...
by Anne Skyvington | Jan 14, 2022 | Craft of Writing
Worth a thousand words: the top ten best Australian children’s picture books Reading from an early age can instill healthy habits for a lifetime. “Possum Magic”, by Mem Fox and Julie Vivas. Scholastic Nicholas Reece, The University of Melbourne The academics and the...
by Anne Skyvington | May 7, 2020 | Craft of Writing
A book about writing groups Joining a writing group is very popular these days, at least in Anglo speaking countries. There are many different types of writing groups, just as there are various types of writers. Some writers simply wish to record memories for their...
by Anne Skyvington | Apr 25, 2019 | Craft of Writing
This post from December 2016, has been re-edited and re-published in April, 2019. Broad and Narrow Genres Since the proliferation of Creative Writing courses in universities in the Anglo world, much has been written and said about “genre” in writing. Creative Writing...
by Anne Skyvington | Apr 20, 2019 | Craft of Writing
More confusion surrounds the concept of Point of View in fiction writing than any other term. One of the problems is that writers, and I have been guilty of this sin, have come to utilize Point Of View (POV) both in the broad sense of perceiving, and also as defining...